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Centro GSM Available In Europe!

Although there’s been no official word yet about the AT&T Centro release date (rumoured to be quite imminent) Palm Europe for its part today announced that the GSM version of its ultra-popular Palm Centro – the smallest and lightest Palm smartphone to date – will be coming to Europe at the end of February (in the UK on February 14).

Palm Centro GSM

With a GSM/GPRS/EDGE class 10 radio this Unlocked Centro is the first quad band (850/900/1800/1900MHz) world smartphone designed for individuals and traditional mobile phone users looking to manage their busy lives while on the go (I do wish that the radio could have been the higher end UMTS/HSDPA version for faster data connectivity though…).  The Unlocked Centro will be available in Europe in Black Onyx (pictured below) with a suggested retail price of €299/£199 (including VAT) [about $399].

Palm Centro GSM Europe

Given the fact that I travel across the world pretty much all year round and that I’ve been looking forward to using this mini-Treo on a daily basis since its release by Sprint a few months ago I’ll evidently be one of the first to switch from my GSM Treo 680 to this new GSM Centro the moment it becomes available.

Palm for its part stated that:  “We are excited about bringing Centro to Europe. Its small size – which incorporates a full keyboard, making text and email easy - is just one of the reasons that traditional mobile phone users are being persuaded to move to smartphones,” said Roy Bedlow, vice president, Palm EMEA.  “People want more functionality from their phones, and Centro delivers all the vital communication and organisation needs without compromising on design.”

Aside from the obvious difference in the radio, key features of the GSM Palm Centro below are pretty much identical to the earlier CDMA Sprint Centro:

  • All-in-one phone and messaging device
  • Small and light, weighing just over 4 oz. (119 grams)
  • Full keyboard and a colour touch screen
  • Text messaging with a chat-style view
  • Ability to store names, numbers, appointments, notes and to-do’s
  • Access to wireless email accounts, such as Gmail and Yahoo!
  • Web browsing capabilities, for visiting sites such as MySpace and Yahoo!
  • Google Maps for maps and directions
  • 1.3-megapixel digital camera with video capture
  • Easy-to-use Palm OS software
  • Ability to play music with PocketTunes
  • Ability to create, edit and view native Word and Excel compatible files
  • Ability to view native PowerPoint and PDF documents
  • Microsoft Direct Push Technology for delivery of Outlook email, as well as personal email, such as Gmail and Yahoo!
  • Bluetooth 1.2 for connecting wirelessly with compatible headsets and car kits
  • 64MB dedicated user storage with support for up to 4GB microSD cards
  • Thousands of add-on software applications available
  • Ability to use Centro as a modem for connecting a laptop to the Internet via Bluetooth, so users can stay connected anywhere within wireless coverage

I am a little bit disappointed that Palm’s European GSM Centro launch is not (for now at least) supported by a large carrier such as Vodafone or Orange but at the same time delighted to see that an Unlocked version is already available – one that will hopefully also make it over to the US. 

Additionally, like many I’m anxiously waiting to get some official news on the AT&T Centro and possible T-Mobile Centro rumoured to be coming within the next couple of weeks…

Centronauts are always ready for new releases

Posted by Andrew on February 7, 2008 at 12:12 PM

Palm Centro

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» Europeans, get your GSM Centro smartphones from Treo Today
Whats the best Palm OS smartphone today? Based on the few days hands-on experience I had a few months ago, I would have to say its the Centro. The Centro is basically a Treo 680 with a better camera, a different external storage option... [Read More]

Tracked on Feb 8, 2008 4:34:52 AM

» GSM Palm Centro coming to Europe February 14 from Gizmodo
An unlocked, GSM Palm Centro will arrive in Europe on February 14 for €299 ($400). Still no 3g, however. [Treonauts via Treo Central]... [Read More]

Tracked on Feb 8, 2008 3:33:11 PM


by dmm | Feb 7, 2008 1:45:54 PM

Is there any indication of whether the GSM Centro will have Pocket Tunes Deluxe like the Sprint one?

by Andrew | Feb 7, 2008 2:09:38 PM

dmm - currently Palm is only stating that the Unlocked Centro has "Pocket Tunes" installed but no indication as to whether this might be the Deluxe version (I hope it is!).

Cheers, A.

by madrista4ever | Feb 7, 2008 4:08:57 PM

I can't understand why it took at least a year for Palm to make a GSM Centro? It could have been a very hot product if it was released simultanously with the CDMA version.

by TazUk | Feb 7, 2008 8:02:17 PM

The CMDA Centro came out in September of last year, I make that 6 months! I'm sure Sprint got an exclusive on it which would have lasted at least 3 months.

by jdb | Feb 7, 2008 11:31:05 PM

any word on a verizon centro?
i keep watching for news on it, but....
vzw is so behind with palm.

by femaad | Feb 8, 2008 3:34:59 AM

will it be available here in asia? if so, when? we are waiting...

by dmm | Feb 8, 2008 4:58:09 PM

Sprint did have an exclusive on the Centro. They've had one on almost every phone Palm's launched in the US. Good for Palm (to have a stable partnership with a national carrier), not so good for non-Sprint users.

by Nick | Feb 10, 2008 11:13:32 AM

Various articles (including this one) say that the Centro GSM will be available in the UK on Feb 14 and the rest of Europe at the end of February, but the Palm web site gives the Feb 14 release date for Germany, Italy, Spain, and the Netherlands (as well as the UK). Here is a link for Germany: http://euro.palm.com/de/sales/index.html. Good news for Treonauts in those countries!

by ralfo | Feb 11, 2008 10:26:56 PM

I will be in the UK in the Spring.....would there be any region specific items in the phone that would make it a bad move to buy one while out there and use it here?

by dmm | Feb 11, 2008 11:04:54 PM

Anyone know the max on what the Centro (presumably the same on Sprint or GSM) can handle in the way of a MicroSD card? I'm hoping that since most Treos (e.g. the 680, the post-update 700p, not sure about the 755, though I can't see why not) can support 8 GB cards, that the Centro can too.

Since I have an 8 GB SDHC card in my 680 and I'm planning to replace the 680 with a GSM Centro, I'd like to go right to an 8 GB MicroSD card. It just might help to know that that works, though... ;)

by DaveF | Feb 17, 2008 4:56:11 AM

Centro still unavailable

It seems only a few EU contries like UK and Italy are allowed to pre-order.

I've tried ordering the Centro from Denmark many many times now each day after launch but I keep getting 404 error - or a "We are sorry that our site is temporarily unavailable, please try again later. Alternatively the Palm eStore team are available on 0845 090 0265"

I've tried calling that number (UK department is seems) but they said no units are avaiable anywhere in Europe - they'll mail me when ordering is possible and Centro units are finally available.

Not really appropriate that Palm takes a swipe at RIM ("And more importantly, no nationwide blackouts.") when they can't deliver the phones or even take pre-orders in Europe after launching the Centro (even posting the wrong Centro specs such as 320x240 and 3G-UMTS for Centro and even Treo 680).

I think perhaps Palm has no Q&A department checking their customer experience (at least outside the US). E.g. when Palm US support gives you a code for the Danish phone support it's not working so you can only get support by paying - also following references to phone support on palm.com always send Danes to an automated phone support requiring a certain support code which you simply can't get anywhere.

- David

by Anouk | Mar 19, 2008 6:54:50 AM

For the person asking about Pocket Tunes Deluxe on the European Centro, the answer is unfortunately No.

I purchased mine in the UK at the beginning of March - it comes with Pocket Tunes Bundle, and definitely won't play AAC's. I contacted NormSoft with my phone details, who replied as follows:

> The Centro that you purchased comes with Pocket
> Tunes Bundle installed which is a great audio player
> but it is only able to play .mp3 formated audio
> tracks.
> If you wanted to play tracks in .m4a you would have
> to purchase Pocket Tunes Deluxe. We do offer a
> promotional price of $29.95 to users owning the
> Centro.


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