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Freedom Keychain GPS 2000 Review

Best Treo GPS ReceiverThe superb, diminutive and bestselling original Freedom Keychain GPS receiver for Treo and Centro smartphones (below right) is now even better and smaller thanks to the release of the Freedom Keychain GPS 2000 model (pictured below left).

Freedom Keychain GPS 2000

The new and improved Freedom Keychain GPS 2000 retains the title of “the world’s smallest, lightest and most compact GPS receiver” while also benefiting from a few significant changes.

Keychain GPS 2000 ComparisonFor starters it now offers 51 Channels instead of 20 and an increased baud rate of 115,200 bps (up from 57,600) that both help to deliver improved GPS speed and accuracy.

To save size and weight the internal battery size has been reduced from 450mAh to 350mAh but without affecting the working time which remains unchanged at up to 9 hours.

Freedom Keychain GPS 2000 Comparison

Aside from these technical improvements the most visible and noticeable change is in the design of the unit itself (image above).  The company has managed to shave an incredible 25% of the thickness and nearly 30% of the weight (to only 22 grams) on the GPS 2000.

Freedom Keychain GPS 2000 - Side

Additionally, the Freedom Keychain GPS 2000 has now been coated in a rubberized black paint which feels great in your hands as well as benefiting from a minor update to the keychain itself which is now much more elegant. 

Freedom Keychain GPS 2000 - Indicator Lights

Also, where the previous model had only one indicator light the new one (above) has been improved with four individual lights to clearly show the status for Bluetooth, GPS, Battery Life and Power – something which makes it considerably easier to understand when using the device.

Freedom Keychain GPS 2000 Kit

Finally, I love the fact that the Freedom Keychain GPS 2000 uses a miniUSB charging connector and that the kit includes both a USB car charger and also USB charging cable to recharge your receiver at home or office via your PC (or wall outlet using a simple USB Wall Adapter).

The Freedom Keychain GPS 2000 package does not include any GPS navigation software but the receiver can actually be used with any of the most popular solutions available.  I have been using it with my Palm Centro using Telenav and an iGrip Universal Fit Flexible Mount as well as testing it on my Treo 680 using TomTom Navigator and the iGrip Custom Fit Flexible Mount – they both work perfectly well and also compatible with Windows Mobile devices.

Overall there’s hardly anything not to like about the new Freedom Keychain GPS 2000 as it’s even more compact, light and better designed than its older sibling and now delivers even faster performance with an enhanced chipset – there’s no doubt that the Freedom GPS offers the best solution if you’re looking to always have a Treo or Centro GPS in your pocket.

Treonauts always demand total freedom

Posted by Andrew on February 6, 2008 at 12:29 PM

Treo GPS

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by henry | Jul 29, 2008 12:51:41 AM

Am having problems using Keychaing GPS 2000 with Palm Centro and Garmin Mobile XT. GPS is defined successfully as a trusted bluetooth device, but Garmin Mobile never discovers the GPS device! Does anyone have ideas?

by April | Aug 17, 2008 2:29:21 AM

Thanks for all the input. I'm going to buy the Freedom and give it a try.

David: BackCountry Navigator software is for trails and breadcrumbs. There is a trial version and purchase price is only $30. I've researched it quite a bit and plan on getting the trial version as soon as I get my receiver.

by SmokiesHiker | Jan 27, 2009 4:57:26 PM

I have a treo650 and bought the freedom 2000 based upon this web site.

The treo finds my jawbone bluetooth without an issue and others cellphones find the Freedom 2000 but I can not get my treo650 to find the freedom 2000.

by Vladimir Campos | Feb 28, 2009 12:55:33 AM

Hi Andrew, did you try it on with the Palm Centro using Google Maps?

I'm also interested in using it while running since I already use the Centro as a MP3 player. I would love to know if there is any app for Palm OS that would keep a log of my distance, speed, etc.

Thanks, Vlad.

by Abey | Sep 20, 2009 12:59:56 AM

purchased Freedom 2000 unit. it pairs well with my Windows vista laptop and Palm Treo Centro but unable to link with any of the software. (google earth does not have blue tooth link) etc. any one who can help me or send new software?

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