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25% Off ALL Treo and Centro Accessories At Palm Store!!!

Palm Store SalePalm has just launched a truly stunning offer – arguably the best deal EVER on the Palm Store – with 25% off any and all accessories including cases, batteries, headsets, GPS units and cradles.  Below are further details of this incredible offer:

Keyboards and headsets and cases, oh my! 25% off all accessories. (Discount automatically applied in shopping cart)  

All accessories at the Palm Store are 25% off , which means you can splurge on a wireless headset or keyboard, a new case or that GPS system you’ve been eyeing. Don’t wait. This sale ends Wednesday 19 March!

  • Orders must clear authorization for processing by March 19, 2008 11:59 PM (EST) to qualify.
  • Offer is not applicable on orders placed through Group Sales.
  • Offer cannot be combined with any other offer.
  • Shipping charges may apply for the gift with purchase.
  • This promotional offer may be modified or terminated at any time without notice.

Just add any accessory to your cart and the 25% discount will be automatically applied.

Offer good through 3/19/08. Discount does not apply to taxes, gift wrapping or similar charges. Entire order must be shipped to a single address. Cannot be combined with any other promotional offer nor is this offer valid on previous purchases. Offer not valid on canceled or out of stock merchandise.

You can browse these popular Treo and Centro accessory categories:

My list of favourite deals is so large that I simply don’t have enough space here for all of them but below are just a few terrific products available with this Palm promotion:

Please also keep in mind that while this Palm Store promotion is undoubtedly fantastic our own Treonauts Accessory Store continues to offer you even better value and also a significantly wider selection of products.

Treonauts always find the best value 

Posted by Andrew on March 13, 2008 at 01:09 PM
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