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Centro and Treo Software April Specials

This month’s Treo and Centro Software Bestseller list for the first time sees VolumeCare Pro drop out of the Top 3 position to #4 while the ever popular CallRec jumps one spot to steal its place.  Meanwhile Softick Audio Gateway and Phone Technician experience the sharpest rises (up 3 spots to #5 and #7 respectively) and the terrific KeyguardExt makes its first entry at #9.  Two other worthwhile applications that almost made it into the list are my favourite TAKEphONE and the fun Real Dice Network at #11 and 12 respectively.

To help you enjoy using these terrific applications we’ve created a 20% off coupon now valid until May 31 – simply enter the coupon code BESTSELLERS in your cart [please note that this coupon is not valid for use in the Treo Accessories Store or Centro Accessories Store].

You can use this coupon to purchase any application found in the software store but I strongly encourage you to start by looking at the 10 bestselling Treo titles below, the full list of bestsellers in our store as well as this month’s top games and my Top 100 Treo and Centro Software list.


 RingoPro Butler Treo Software CallRec

1. Ringo Pro - Treo Ringtone Player  (Top 3 Past 6 Months)
The obvious practical aspect of Ringo is that it will allow you to bring your Treo alive with amazing MP3 ringtones - and set personal tones and pictures for friends and groups.  Read my review: Ringo – Personalize your Treo with Ringtones

2. Butler  (Top 3 Past +12 Months)
Butler is the assistant who thinks of everything with Alarms, Attention Grabber, Navigation, Launching, LED, Keyguard, Hide Popups, Business Card Beam and much more it is no wonder that it has been a top 10 bestselling Treo software for nearly two years now.

3. CallRec  (Top 10 Past 6+ Months)
CallRec is a small and extremely easy to use application that will record important phone calls, a voice memo or any other sound coming in or out of your Treo at the simple push of the Side Button so that you can listen to them later.  Read my full review: Treo Call, Sound & Memo Recordings with CallRec


 VolumeCare Pro Softick Audio Gateway Ultimate Phone 

4. VolumeCare Pro  (Top 3 Past 6+ months)
Many people have complained about low volume input and output while on a call in different environments.  As usual, it should not be too surprising that a small third-party utility called VolumeCare has sprung up to correct this issue becoming one of the bestselling Treo applications in the process – one which countless Treonauts bless every day.  Read my full review: Loud & Clear with VolumeCare

5. Softick Audio Gateway  (Up 3 Spots)
Softick Audio Gateway is the first and only solution available for your Treo and Centro that delivers A2DP Stereo Bluetooth audio so that you can connect your smartphone to any Bluetooth stereo headphones and wirelessly listen to your digital music while on the go.

6. UltimatePhone  (Down 1)
UltimatePhone is an enhanced version of the very popular DialByPhoto which now offers even more features to replace your standard Phone application with shortcut photo contacts, web bookmarks as well as application shortcuts.  It is also preloaded with 12 of the most popular Web 2.0 applications such as Flickr and Facebook.  Additionally UltimatePhone takes many of the standard features on your Treo and makes them better with a much improved “Reject by SMS”, “Call Log” and “Contact Searching”.


 Phone Technician CorePlayer KeyguardExt

7. Phone Technician  (Top 10 Past 6+ Months)
There will always be some small but irritating things that your Treo can’t or won’t do well or at all – this is when ‘enhancing’ applications such as Phone Technician come to the rescue and empower you to do more and better things with your Treo.  Take control of your Treo with Sound booster to boost your volume so you can better hear your calls, Mp3 Ringtones, escalating ringtones and more.  Read my full review: Phone Technician – You Always Need One

8. CorePlayer  (Top 10 Past 12+ Months)
CorePlayer is simply the best video player available for your Treo and one of the absolutely essential applications on my smartphone.

9. KeyguardExt   (New Entry!)
KeyguardExt is a replacement utility for the standard Keyguard found on your Treo and Centro that makes it significantly easier and faster to quickly check the date and time on your smartphone thanks to a considerably larger display of this information along with other data such as Network, Bluetooth, Messaging and Missed Call(s) as well as a useful middle icon to show whether your Ringer Switch button is enabled or not.  See my full KeyguardExt Review

Reset Doctor10. Reset Doctor  (Unchanged)
There is a little bug in the Treo operating system with the new Non-Volatile-Filing-System (NVFS) which means that sometimes after a reset, you will lose all your settings and preferences.  With Pref Doctor running in the background - it will keep your preferences backed up, and even allow you to restore them a couple of times for free should you ever need to.


Separately, some of the new or bestselling Treo and Centro accessories that I can highly recommend this month include:

Treonauts always find something special

Posted by Andrew on April 4, 2008 at 07:58 AM

Treo Software Guide

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