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Palm Centro Desktop Cradle

Although the existing Palm Cradle Kit already offers compatibility with the Centro, Palm has just launched a new Palm Centro Desktop Cradle (image below) priced at $29.99 that has now been specifically designed only for your Centro smartphone to sync and charge it at home or the office.

Palm Centro Desktop Cradle

I nonetheless quickly have to admit that overall I am completely underwhelmed by the lack of value that the Palm Centro Desktop Cradle offers and the rather poor apparent effort that Palm has put in its design. 

For starters you will not be able to fit your Centro smartphone in this cradle if like many you’re using either a Centro Skin Case, Palm Air Case or Centro Hard Case.  Then there’s the fact that the USB cable is hardwired to the cradle which means that it will look rather ugly with an extra cable dangling if you plan to put it by your nightstand for example.  Next is the lack of a physical sync button which is the least that I would have expected from an “official” Palm Centro cradle.  Last but not least is the fact that this cradle does not include a built-in Centro battery charger.

Considering that the excellent competing Cellet Centro Cradle (see my recent review) has none of the above limitations and costs 20% less than this Palm Centro Desktop Cradle it should be pretty obvious to figure out which one offers better value.  Alternatively you could also look at the high-end and instead choose the Phoneo Speaker System – an absolutely terrific all-in-one integrated Speaker + Cradle + Speakerphone unit (see my review).

Pretty much the only unique benefit that the new Palm Centro Desktop Cradle appears to offer is the fact that you can use your standard Centro wall charger to power the cradle – but I certainly don’t consider this to be enough on its own to choose it over my Editor’s Choice Cellet Centro Cradle.

[Note: currently only the Palm Online Store has the Centro Desktop Cradle for sale but we anticipate that our own store will have these in stock (at a lower price) within the next couple of weeks.]

Separately, Palm has a couple of offers at the moment that I do consider to be very good value and that you may want to look at.  These include the Palm GPS Navigator Kit + Garmin Mobile XT Software (see my recent post) which has been reduced from $249 to only $139 (you save $90) and the Palm Wireless Headset Series 3 reduced from $69.99 to only $45.49 (you save $25).

Another great offer is our current 20% Off All Titles in the Treo & Centro Software Store.  Simply enter the coupon code BESTSELLERS in your cart.   [Please note that this coupon is not valid for use in the Treo Accessories Store or Centro Accessories Store].

Finally, some of the new or bestselling accessories that I can highly recommend include:

Treonauts are always looking for the best value

Posted by Andrew on May 9, 2008 at 08:39 AM

Centro Accesories

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by Sorian | May 9, 2008 7:20:57 PM

Yet another disappointing accessory for the Centro by its creator

by brum | Nov 3, 2008 6:46:34 PM

HOW CAN YOU CALL THIS A REVIEW! Did you even have a unit that you were reviewing or did you just look at the specs sheet/design? Where are the photos of the unit you were reviewing?

"the existing Palm Cradle Kit already offers compatibility with the Centro" - LIE.
The Palm Cradle Kit does not get close to fitting the Centro. Do you mean Treo cradle kit? I hope no one's gone and bought a Palm Cradle Kit and it doesn't fit the cradle, it'd be good to be clear here.

Your site appears to be losing it's value day-by-day. You just put up your view without justifying or outlining strengths and weaknesses, then promote a whole bunch of stuff, how does that help anyone? basically half of this review is promoting items in your store.

I understand a number of your points Andrew but I personally have been searching the web and am now frustrated that the only person who has reviewed the unit may not have even reviewed it or has wasted there time.

I want this cradle and am disappointed one a number of fronts but it is the best looking and I don't need a battery charger, so to my needs, it will work unless it doesn't have audio out.

Does the cradle have audio out like the Palm Cradle Kit (for Handhelds)?

by brum | Nov 3, 2008 6:48:33 PM


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