Verizon Centro Out June 13th!
SPECIAL OFFER: To celebrate the launch of the Verizon Centro we’ve created a 10% Off Coupon valid for all accessories in the Centronauts Store until midnight PST this Friday, June 13th. Simply enter the coupon code VERIZONCENTRO during Checkout to enjoy this discount and enhance your Centro experience with some of our bestselling accessories.
A couple of days ago we learned that the first Verizon Centro retail display “dummies” were already making their way to stores such as Circuit City – something which hinted that the launch of the smartphone might be “imminent”.
Now thanks to an anonymous tipster we get to see a document (above) that shows that “The Verizon Palm Centro will be available in all channels on Friday, June 13th, 2008” – just one week away!
One thing that is a bit confusing is the launch pricing of this Blue Verizon Centro (pictured above). According to the document, the National Retail Price (after $70 mail-in rebate) will be $199.99 with a two year contract, $269.99 with a one year contract and $389.99 with no contract.
However, Verizon does offer a $100 “Advanced Device Credit” to people subscribing to its Unlimited Data Plan which would bring the Verizon Centro price in line with the Sprint Centro and AT&T Centro which can both be had for only $99.99 with a two year contract or less (see FREE Palm Centro).
Leaving this aside, it’s nonetheless great to see that Verizon is _finally_ releasing a new Palm OS device like the bestselling Centro. I’m sure that there are more than a few existing Treonauts who have been anxiously waiting to upgrade to this much smaller yet powerful Palm smartphone just as I very happily did many months ago. The wait is almost over!
Verizon’s Palm Centro: June 13 for $199.99? [via engadgetmobile]
Treonauts are always ready to launch…
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Wow, it is good to see the success of the Centro. I have been very happy with mine, and it gives me the hope that Palm will regain the confidence of the masses and truly compete in the smartphone market. RIM has made much headway with the Curve and now the Bold appears ready to sell hot. Palm has their work cut out for them, but I don't think it's too late for them yet.
Yes. If the masses have seen, & used this ease of use platform(I have a 700p/my wife a Centro) it will keep Palm fresh(although OS is not) to the consumer & business user. Then Palm's Nova will be welcomed.
Nice! I got the 700p now and held off on the 755 in hopes that the centro would come soon. with Nove coming out soon i hope that palm will offer the upgrade for the centro. wow i just might have to camp out in front of the store till they open.
Does Verizon still charge obscene rates for data on the Centro? It has cost up to $40/month-- double the cost on other phones- for data plans on the Treo. If Verizon doesn't lower that rate, they won't make many sales to consumers.
Apple has announced the new iPhone with 3G and GPS (and third party apps, enterprise support, Exchange support, Office support, etc.), priced at just $199 for 8GB and $299 for 16GB - and available July 11.
Welcome to your doom, Palm.
re: Verizon Data Plans
Verizon is unlikely to modify the cost of their data plans. And for anyone NOT on Verizon, a word of caution from a current customer:
Read the fine print on the Verizon data plan before you buy.
Here's the translation in short form, sans hyperbolic examples: They're worried that if people started using their high-speed CDMA network for *all* broadband-type applications. (like video streaming, audio streaming, etc.) their quality of service for their own proprietary V-Cast service will tank. So they reserve the right to cancel your data plan and blacklist you as a customer without warning.
Currently, as I understand it, the only reason they're not actually following through with this threat is because of a consent decree entered into with the State of New York after a class action suit surrounding misleading ad claims of "unlimited" service.
So, yes, their service is great. Up to an unspecified and unpublished threshold. Then they strand you without warning. So, personally, as a Verizon customer I don't watch much You Tube mobile or stream using Pocket Tunes. I just use email a web browser, just like Verizon intended me to. Because without a monthly charge for their hand-selected V-Cast content I'm just a pedestrian phone user.
I agree with Kenneth. I love my Centro... and I never would have gotten this type of phone, or a Palm, if it weren't for the Centro. I can see why there are so many people who love Palm, it's hard not too.
While there are plenty of people who also complain about how it's the same old thing just smaller, it's brand new to me. Palm obviously accomplished what they were after. Anyone who is that sick of Palm has plenty of other options, but for so many of us that are just being introduced to it, it's great, it does more than I need.
re: iPhone / competition
Nice article in Wired News on how iPhone sales might've actually BOOSTED sales for other manufacturers in the past. Of course, that was based on the theory that iPhone would still be pricing higher than the competition. Specs on the new iPhone look great! Best of luck, Palm, you've got six to nine months on your forecasted clock to best Apple. Got to hand it to Apple for setting the bar high. If Palm can jump it... I'm interested!
I just confirmed with a VZW operator that the Centro will be released on Friday, June 13th. But she wasn't sure about what rebates if any will be available for the phone.
The phone will be $269.99, less my NE2 credit, the phone would be $169.99.
Does any know, or can they confirm whether there will be any rebates (mail in or instant), and whether the phone will qualify for the Advanced Device Credit?
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