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Verizon Palm Centro Almost Here?

Following the first official leaked image of the Verizon Centro back in April we now learn that large electronics retailers such as Circuit City are already getting stock of their first Verizon branded Blue Centro smartphones (pictured below). 

Unfortunately, for now at least, these are “dummies” intended for retail display but they should nonetheless be a very good indication that the real Verizon Centro sales may start very shortly (possibly this June).

Verizon Centro

Clearly Palm has had a massive hit with the Centro becoming the fastest selling Palm smartphone ever – having sold well over 1,000,000 units by the end of last quarter and expected to reach over 2.0 million by the end of this quarter.  Those people who consider the Palm OS to be dwindling should certainly look at Centro sales figures.

The success of the Centro alone has helped Palm nearly double its share of the smartphone market in the first quarter of 2008 when it grabbed 13.4% – up from 7.9% in the fourth quarter according to research firm IDC.  This is still well below the 23% market share that Palm enjoyed in Q1 2007 but at least indicative of a new upward trend. 

Palm 2008 Smartphone Lineup

I expect that the continued strong sales of both the Sprint Centro and AT&T Centro combined with the forthcoming release of the Verizon Centro (hopefully this month), the CDMA Windows Mobile Sprint Treo 800w and Verizon Treo 800w between July and September as well as the GSM Windows Mobile Treo 850 also in September should help Palm continue to regain market share.

Verizon’s Palm Centro spotted in Circuit City [via engadgetmobile]
RIM & Palm grab iPhone market share [via CNNMoney]

Treonauts are always a massive hit

Posted by Andrew on June 4, 2008 at 12:02 PM

Palm Centro

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by psydeways | Jun 5, 2008 11:27:48 AM

Check out Palm Centro rebate, which includes Verizon Wireless as a carrier!


by random9q | Jun 5, 2008 10:56:28 PM

All I can say is: Did I say "about six months after Sprint"? I said "about six months after Sprint".

Verizon has a TTM for Palm OS devices of about six months after Sprint. There. I said it again.

This means I can expect to wait until at least July and possibly September of 2009 for a Nova OS device on Verizon. Assuming I'm still with Verizon by then. And assuming they don't pleasantly surprise me with something early. And I might, and I doubt it, respectively.

[This is less a gloat about being correct than it is self-admonition to wait for a while longer.]

Interesting that the TTM for WinMo devices is only about two months different as forecast for the 800w models. Does Verizon trust WinMo more? Probably. My guess is because it is more "customizable" from a manufacturer's standpoint, and allows Verizon to lock it down further for their own nefarious purposes.

Did I mention recently I was considering leaving Verizon? I think so... Gee, my contract ends in February 2009. That seems like a healthy coincidence.

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