Centro 2400mAh Extended Battery Review
New Mobi Products 2400mAh Extended Battery for Centro Provides 108% More Power Than Standard Centro Battery
As you might recall, in March this year Palm had released an extended 1850mAh Centro battery which provided 60% more power than the standard battery and thus delivered 5.6 hours of talk time instead of the standard 3.5 hours – something which proved ideal for power users who were primarily concerned about extending their power throughout a long work day.
Within a few short months however Palm suddenly discontinued production of this extended battery leaving these power users with no other option than to carry one or more spare Centro batteries with them.
Thankfully a new Mobi Products 2400mAh Extended Battery for Centro (pictured above) has now been released and provides a staggering 108% more power than the standard battery thus delivering a full 7.3 hours of talk time.
In order to deliver this doubling of capacity the Mobi Products extended battery is naturally much thicker (about double) than the standard battery which means that it requires a larger battery door (included) to fit.
Some people consider the resulting “bulge” of the battery door (image below) to be an unacceptable compromise while others are more than willing to overlook the aesthetics in favour of the fabulous extended 7.3 hours of talk time that it offers.
Those favouring design will thus more likely simply get a spare Centro battery while the power users (doctors, lawyers, builders, etc.) who absolutely need a full day’s worth of power in their pocket at all times will undoubtedly be deligthed by the performance that the Mobi Products 2400mAh Extended Battery for Centro delivers.
Finally, although the Centro is available in nearly all colours of the rainbow the large door of this extended battery is unfortunately only available in white. This will be perfect if you own either a white AT&T or Unlocked model (pictured above) but you will have to make do with a two-tone alternative if you own any other colour Centro such as the black or blue models below.
Separately, if you’re looking for a new or spare Treo battery for your particular model then please look at these specific links below:
Treo 800w Batteries – Treo 755p Batteries – Treo 750 Batteries
Treo 700p Batteries – Treo 700w|wx Batteries – Treo 680 Batteries
Also remember that there is always the Cellet Emergency Charger (see my review) that provides an alternative power while on the go.
Treonauts are always full of power…
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Andrew or anyone, do you know at what rate a fully charged, but unused, battery loses its charge? What I mean is, if I buy a second battery, charge it up fully, but don't use it for 3 days until the first battery is discharged, will I find that the second battery has lost a significant percentage of its charge? Thanks.
Nigel - I haven't fully tested the rate at which a fully battery get completely discharged but typically you it happens over weeks and not days. When fully charged I would expect this extended Centro battery to keep a relatively full charge for at least two months or more.
I hope this helps.
Cheers, A.
So since the Centro and 800w share the same battery, I wonder when they will have a cover for the 800w so we have the offering of an extended battery. Any idea on this Andrew?
Jack - great question. I'm looking into it to see if a similar Treo 800w extended battery might be on the way in our store soon.
Cheers, A.
Thanks Andrew. I know Seidio shows they are working on one but seriously, if they already have one for the Centro how hard can it be to create the cover for the 800w? Keep us posted and thanks as always for doing such a good job for the community.
Any word on if Mobi will produce different colored battery covers? I want the battery but don't want the cover in white as my Sprint Centro is black. Hopefully they release the covers down the road.
Was this battery tested through a full charge/discharge cycle? Several folks on forums have bought extended Centro batteries only to find that the phone treated them exactly like they were standard - they died just where a standard one would, rather than running twice as long. Almost as if the Centro were rating battery life on run time rather than voltage drop as most rechargeable devices do. If this is the case, then no extended battery would work and this explains why several vendors (Palm and Seidio) quickly dropped their extended batteries...
Talk about a euphemism!
That's a freaking HUNCHBACK!
Tom - so far I've had zero problems with this extended Centro battery but I will properly test a full charge/discharge and let you know the results.
Cheers, A.
Thanks for the good Extended Battery Review here, that's exactly what i was looking for. Great review.
This is a really good read for me, Must admit that you are one of the best bloggers I ever saw.
Thanks for this post! Several folks on forums have bought extended Centro batteries only to find that the phone treated them exactly like they were standard - they died just where a standard one would, rather than running twice as long.
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