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Krusell Hector Leather Case Review

Luxury Krusell Hector Leather Case for Treo 800w & Treo Pro Offers Slim, Elegant and Practical Solution With Removable Belt Clip & Belt Loop


I have to admit that when I first saw images of this Krusell Hector Leather Case I was not particularly impressed and it wasn’t until I actually got it in my hands that I was able to discover just how very good and practical this side case for your Treo Pro or Treo 800w really is.


For starters, the first thing that you notice is how the leather of the Krusell Hector Case is absolutely beautiful and ultrasoft – it’s actually one of the most subtle leather cases that I have come across to date.  I also like the fact that the inside is fully lined with an equally luscious and soft grey suede leather which ensures that your smartphone remains comfortably protected.


Additionally, there is the completely hidden and strong front magnetic flap closure which makes it easy to insert or remove your smartphone quickly by your side.  At the same time an opening a the center bottom makes it easy to “push” your device out but I actually found it faster to just pull it from the body.

 Krusell-Hector-Case-detail1 Krusell-Hector-Case-detail2

I also really like the fact that aside from the cris-cross stiching on the sides and bottom of the case (detail above left) the details elsewhere are super clean, modern and elegant.


Leaving the best part for last, the feature that actually impressed me the most and that I found most practical was the famous removable Krusell Multidapt belt clip system combined with the two superstrong belt loops. 


I have to admit that in process I discovered just how practical having the belt loops is as they virtually guarantee that the case will stay fully in place and not “wobble” around as it might with a belt clip.


Overall I’m very impressed with this Krusell Hector Leather Case as it offers a superb build, ultrasoft and high-quality leather body, a very comfortable fit and practical storage with the magnetic flap as well as the versatility of having both the removable Multidapt belt clip system and even better option of the two belt loops.  I actually found the case so comfortable to have by my side using the belt loops that I just didn’t want to take it off…

Separately, below you’ll find my other Top 5 Editor’s Choice Treo Pro & Treo 800w case selections:

Best Treo Pro Pouch Case:
Incipio ORION Sleeve Case (review)

Best Treo Pro Leather Side Case:
Incipio Bond Street Leather Case (review)

Best Treo Pro & Treo 800w Rubber Side Case:
Body Glove Side Case (review)

Best Treo Pro & Treo 800w Organizer Case:
Swiss Mobility Legion Smartphone Case (review)

Best Body & Screen Protector:
for Treo Pro Case-Mate Clear Armor (review)
for Treo 800w Case-Mate Clear Armor

Additionally, here you will find the Top 10 accessories for your Treo Pro and Treo 800w.

Treonauts always find their perfect fitTreonautstar6

Posted by Andrew on November 26, 2008 at 08:47 AM

Treo Pro Cases

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by PDA Accessories | Nov 27, 2008 6:50:39 AM

look more PDA Accessories....

by pirates of Caribbean 4 | Apr 12, 2011 9:43:12 AM

Multidapt belt clip system and even better option of the two belt loops. I actually found the case so comfortable to have by my side using the belt loops that I just didn’t want to take it off…

by ebook library | Apr 16, 2011 11:59:14 AM

A great post, thanks for taking the time to share, continued success to your site in the future! GOOD Work!!

by russian women dating | May 16, 2011 2:40:40 AM

What an excellent blog! I have to admit that in process I discovered just how practical having the belt loops is as they virtually guarantee that the case will stay fully in place and not “wobble” around as it might with a belt clip.

by Camarad | Aug 22, 2011 3:59:21 AM

Has read all in detail, excellent blog! I have to admit that in process I discovered just how practical having the belt loops is as they virtually guarantee that the case will stay fully in place and not “wobble” around as it might with a belt clip.

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