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Treo 800w Leather Side Case Review

Superb Fine Grain Leather Cellet Horizontal Noble Case for Treo 800w Offers Great Value & Very Elegant Solution

Treo 800w Side Case

I’m not really sure why but in my recent roundup of top Treo 800w cases I had somehow missed to include the terrific Cellet Horizontal Noble Case for Treo 800w that I recently discovered and which is an absolutely terrific and very elegant fine grain leather side case that offers great value for money.


For starters I was immediately impressed with the overall design and extremely solid build quality of this Treo 800w side case.  Not only is the stitching flawless throughout but the soft, padded, fine great leather body of the case feels great in your hands.


I also really like the large, wide and very strong leather covered belt clip (image above) which ensures that the case stays firmly by your side at all times and does not “wiggle” when you’re inserting or removing your Treo 800w smartphone.


Additionally, even though this Treo 800w case offers a dual layer of leather (black on the outside and tan on the inside) I was particularly impressed by the fact that it somehow manages to remain extremely slim as you can appreciate from the image below.


Virtually the only minor issue that I have with this otherwise terrific Treo 800w leather side case is the fact that instead of using a magnetic flap it uses a magnetic button closure (pictured below) which makes it that tiny bit more tedious to close the case.  Having said this perhaps I’m just too fussy and the button actually looks more elegant than just a magnetic flap. 


The case also conveniently has a large opening at the bottom so that you can quickly and easily “push” your Treo 800w out of the case when you need to.


Finally, as I mentioned before, thanks to the large and wide belt clip this Cellet Horizontal Noble Case for Treo 800w happens to fit very confortably and securely by your side.

Overall I have to say that this Treo 800w Leather Side Case is really quite impressive and more importantly also terrific value priced at only $19.95.  Considering the quality of the design, build and fine grain leather I would say that it’s quite a bargain in this category.

More Treo 800w Cases & Accessories

Separately, my Top 5 other Editor’s Choice Treo 800w cases are:

  1. Seidio Spring Clip Holster
  2. Seidio FlexArmor Skin Case
  3. Body Glove Side Case
  4. Seidio Innocase
  5. SPE P6 Pouch Case

You may also want to read my roundup of the Top 10 Treo 800w accessories to among others find the best chargers cables, battery and Bluetooth headset for your smartphone.

Treo 800w Software

Finally please note that you can get 20% Off all Windows Mobile Software titles in our store by simply entering the coupon code BESTSELLERS in your cart [Not valid for Treo 800w cases or accessories.]

Treonauts always expect something superb

Posted by Andrew on November 14, 2008 at 10:27 AM

Treo 800w Cases

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by Verizonprisoner | Nov 14, 2008 1:09:22 PM

I hope the new Blackberry storm fits in that sweet case. Looks like I will be trying out the new Storm since Verizon is so freaking slow with new Treo's. I'm still using the 700w and just cant wait any longer for a new phone. I will be giving the Storm a 30 day trial period and hopefully wont like it. I refuse to change carriers being that Verizon has been nothing but amazing for me but my only compaint is no 800w yet..... We'll see what happens. I dont know how I feel about not having a qwerty keyboard readilly available but I guess they are forcing me try something new.. Hmmmmmmmmm

by Roger | Nov 14, 2008 2:32:52 PM


I was once like you. I had been a Verizon customer for 12 years. The service was great and I had a 20% discount off of my plan. Like you, I had a Treo 700w that was on its last legs last month. Verizon reps kept telling me to hold off because a "Storm" was coming. When I realized that Verizon was going with offering Blackberries and no more Palm Treos, I came to a fork in the road. I finally decided to bolt Verizon. Their arrogance finally broke the camel's back. Now, I have a Treo Pro that is a major upgrade on the 700w and am happy. I had to switch to AT&T but I am free from the chains of Verizon. Whenever I see the stupid geek looking Verizon guy say "Can you hear me now?," I think in my head, can Verizon hear the cha-ching money I am giving AT&T because of their failure to offer decent smartphones?

by Dan DuPree | Jan 11, 2014 5:04:43 PM

I have a droid maxx phone. I am looking for a leather horizontal case with a durable belt clip. Do you have a case for my phone? The dimensions are 5 3/8 x 2 7/8 x 3/8 inches.

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