Smartphoniacs Cyber Monday
To welcome you back from the splendid, fun, long and relaxing Thanksgiving weekend our Smartphoniacs team has prepared some special savings giving you 10% Off any accessories across all of our smartphone stores below:
- Treonauts Store for Treo Accessories
- Centronauts Store for Centro Accessories
- iPhoniacs Store for iPhone Accessories
- Qnauts Store for Motorola Q Accessories
- BBnauts Store for BlackBerry Accessories
This Cyber Monday offer is valid today only (December 1st) until midnight PST. Simply use coupon code MONDAYNAUTS in your cart during checkout to apply your 10% discount.
[Please note that thanks to our “One-Cart Checkout” you can now add accessories from any of our stores and combine them at checkout with only one cart – thus saving shipping costs if for example you have a Treo and your partner, friend, spouse or colleague has an iPhone.]
Separately, you can also get 20% Off all Palm OS software and Windows Mobile Software by using coupon code BESTSELLERS.
Smartphoniacs always have the best mobile experiences…
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