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Palm Pre Launch Date - May 16?

Leaked Sprint Planning Documentation Reveals Possible May 16th Release Date For Palm Pre


We’re all anxiously waiting for the release of the Palm Pre and until now the most likely launch window has been vaguely rumoured to be somewhere between mid-May to end of June (in line with Palm and Sprint’s official “within the first half of 2009”).

Having said this, thanks to a leaked Sprint planning doc (image above) it appears that it’s possible that we will see the Palm Pre coming out sooner rather than later with an ETA of Sunday, May 17th – just a little over a month away!!!

Considering that Sprint has simultaneously also implemented a “May vacation freeze” for all its employees we have to assume that this latest Palm Pre release date is the most solid we’ve come across yet.


At the same time, one begins to wonder just how far an actual launch date can be when Palm Pre smartphones begin showing up in the wild…  As you can see above, two people (image above) were caught taking pictures/video with a Palm Pre in their hands at an annual “Bring Your Own Big Wheel” race.  There’s no way of knowing if these were Sprint or Palm employees or some lucky beta testers but if all these latest rumours are true I guess that we will also be able to get our hands on our very own Palm Pre within just five short weeks…

Finally, if the rumours of a May 17th release date are to be believed then I expect that Palm and Sprint will have to make an announcement either two or four weeks before – possibly this Friday, April 17 or Friday, May 1…

Palm Pre launching no earlier than May 16 [via Engadget]
Pre in the wild [images via bananachunks]

Preonauts are always ready for launch

Posted by Andrew on April 14, 2009 at 08:59 AM

Palm Pre

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by Ken | May 4, 2009 8:50:43 PM

Cant wait for the PRE. have had a palm treo and sprint for several years. Not sure where all the Sprint complaints come from. I travel the us tons for work and have had excellent call quality and coverage. Seems like a fear made from the marketing team at verizon.

by ShariqueQ | May 20, 2009 1:01:49 AM

Palm Pre to arrive on Sprint on June 6
Sprint has announced today that the Palm Pre will be available on June 6. Sprint announced that it will be available nationwide in Sprint stores, as well as at Best Buy, Radio Shack, and select Wal-Mart stores. The webOS-based phone will retail for $199.99 (after rebate and service agreement).

Source: http://blog.palm.com/palm/2009/05/palm-pre-availability.html

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