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Palm Pre Mojo SDK Released

Palm Makes Mojo SDK More Widely Available + Third-Party To Offer PalmOS Emulator For Pre!!! + Fandango & Pandora Demo Video


After teasing us yesterday, Palm announced its webOS Early Access Program for developers at the Web 2.0 Expo in San Francisco.  The Mojo SDK, previously available only to a select group of partners, will now be provided to a broader set of interested developers that apply for access at the Palm Developer Network website.  Initially, access to the program will be limited as the tools and systems continue to be refined and improved, with general availability scheduled for later this year.  Even more importantly, Palm announced its plans for integrating cloud services into the new platform and an application from MotionApps that will allow legacy Palm OS applications to run on webOS devices

Palm-Michael-Abbott“Developers are an incredibly important part of the webOS ecosystem, and we’re eager to get the SDK into their hands,” said Michael Abbott, senior vice president, Application Software and Services, Palm, Inc. “Now that the SDK will be available to a broader base of developers, we think the enthusiasm for webOS will only grow and accelerate. We’re very excited to work with developers to make this unique development environment even better.”

With Mojo, developers have the ability to integrate their applications into core webOS functionality, such as linked contacts, layered calendars, multitasking, notifications and GPS capabilities.  webOS applications run natively on the Palm Pre. They don’t depend on any server connection to run and can cache data locally. Providing developers with the freedom to integrate unique webOS functionality and services into their applications paves the way for a rich catalog of innovative offerings for webOS users.

Unique webOS Functionality Use: Fandango & Pandora
Palm webOS is a new kind of mobile platform. Standard web technologies, such as HTML, JavaScript and CSS, are deeply integrated into the webOS architecture, enabling a much broader developer community to easily create compelling applications.  The ability to customize webOS applications will appeal to developers and ultimately benefit consumers with a unique and differentiated user experience.

“webOS makes mobile application development incredibly easy – we were able to get a version of Pandora running in no time,” said Tom Conrad, chief technology officer, Pandora.  “And because webOS has true multitasking capabilities, Pandora runs elegantly in the background while you’re using other applications. The unobtrusive notification bar lets you know what’s currently playing, and allows you to pause and play without having to go back into the application. It’s an incredibly powerful and flexible platform.”

[As you can appreciate from the full video demo of Fandango & Pandora running on the Palm Pre below (I recommend you watch in full screen mode here or via YouTube) the webOS is an extremely fast, fun, rich and smooth platform that evidently allows developers to deliver superb applications.]


“The webOS functionality and integration opportunities provide a richer experience for moviegoers on the go,” said Ted Hong, chief marketing officer for Fandango. “With Fandango’s webOS application, you can watch trailers and buy tickets, pick your showtime, which is automatically added to your calendar, then get directions to the theatre, and easily forward the showtime to friends or family. You can even create a reminder to let you know when a specific movie is opening so that you can buy tickets in advance on Fandango. The webOS technology helps further our goal of making moviegoing experience as convenient as possible.”

Integrated Cloud Services
Palm also announced that it would deploy its first Palm branded cloud service. Cloud services are software resources provided over the Internet. These services can deliver direct benefits to the end user, such as giving them access to their favorite web applications, or can be incorporated by developers into their applications to enhance the end-user experience.

When the Mojo SDK is broadly released later this year, it will include a developer-facing offering called the Mojo Messaging Service, an XMPP publish/subscribe service. The Mojo Messaging Service is an elegant, standards-based way to exchange information over the Internet.  When new information is available, it is “published” to the cloud and all interested parties who are subscribers are notified that new information is available. This will allow developers to push live content to their applications or services. The Mojo Messaging Service initially will have a limited feature set and service level that will evolve over time.

Palm OS Emulator Application
Palm also announced that MotionApps is creating an emulator application that will allow most Palm OS applications to run on webOS devices. The application, called “Classic,” will be available for purchase when the Palm Pre phone becomes available from Sprint in the first half of 2009, and gives users peace of mind as they transition to Palm’s new webOS.


Since Palm OS applications running in Classic won’t be able to leverage core webOS functionality, Palm is working with partners to ensure that popular Palm OS applications are made available on the webOS platform and are optimized to take advantage of everything it has to offer.

In the meantime, the MotionApps Classic application will allow customers who have invested in the Palm OS platform to use Palm OS applications they’ve grown to love and depend upon on their new webOS devices.  Additionally, MotionApps notes that “compared to the Treo 700p for example, your existing PalmOS apps will run approximately twice as fast with Classic” on the Palm Pre.

I’m delighted to see that Palm is slowly making more information about the Pre available and I have to admit that every day that goes by now makes me want to have one in my hands even more…  On this front, although the Palm Pre Release Date remains a closely guarded secret, I am getting credible information to suggest that the launch window may be between 15 May and 15 June.  The sooner the better!

Preonauts are anxiously waiting for their beloved

Posted by Andrew on April 2, 2009 at 11:46 AM

Palm Pre

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by cat dumas | Apr 24, 2009 10:04:03 AM

hey ned.....have you tried to approach palm with your credentials as a test-hacker? they may let you play with one and offer sound advice. and then you can pass the hot potato to me so i can play too. pleeeeeeeease :)

i'm already disappointed now that i realize you may be right about the cloud being the only way to sync. when service is down we wouldn't be able to get to our info or add changes without risking loss.

but as far as your fears of not being able to sync in europe i think they would be allowing the unmetered global 4g access because it's as important as any other app or charger that comes with the unit. kind of like the unlimited data but metered minutes most of us have now. even where phone warns of no signal i've been able to get email out for some odd reason so i'm hoping that is proof.

i'm just REALLY annoyed that they are showing this Pre like a Saturday morning carton commercial for kids. All fluff but no info on specs that we need to make responsible adult choices. The more I think about the possible downsides (like an even suckier memory base than treo or worse....not being able to hotsync and keep my own safe copy in case the (highly likely in my opinion) space junk and satellites block the signal and only part of the new entry is saved. its bad enough with me syncing to the newer macs and randomly losing important contacts and info now. mobile me isn't playing well with my treo OR my laptop.

maybe the cloud will save me the aggravation of weekly delete and reinstalls of the syncing software.

everyone has expressed valid fears or apprehensions.

Palm it's time to answer these grown-ups concerns.

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