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Treo Pro Extended Battery

High-Capacity Seidio 3500mAh Extended Battery For Treo Pro More Than Doubles Talk Time To Nearly 12 Hours


Thanks to the new Seidio Innocell 3500mAh Extended Battery for Treo Pro (includes extended battery door pictured above) super-power users who need to have as much continuous juice as possible in their hands throughout the day can now enjoy a staggering leap in talk time – up to 11 hours and 40 minutes when fully charged!


Although the standard 1500mAh Treo Pro battery offers plenty of power for the most demanding average user with some 5 hours of continuous talk time I have to admit that there has been more than one occasion where more juice would have been very welcome and nearly 12 hours of talk time with this Extended Battery is truly awesome.


Treo-Pro-Battery-PriceAlso, since I’m a bit of a cost-conscious buyer one of the things that I particularly like about this Treo Pro Battery is that while it delivers a 133% performance improvement it is only 55% more expensive than a standard battery.  As you can see from the chart, this means that the cost of the extended battery is only $0.02 per mAh compared to $0.03 for the standard battery.


As I mentioned before, the pack for this Treo Pro Extended Battery also includes a high-quality extended battery cover.  The cover increases the overall thickness of your smartphone by only 4.5mm and has the added benefit of being covered in a soft rubberized paint which provides much improved grip.


Finally, it was also good to see that the extended battery cover still allows you to use some of the bestselling Treo Pro cases such as the Seidio Spring-Clip Holster (below left) and the SPE P6 Pouch Case.


Separately, if a friend or a colleague owns an iPhone 3G they should definitely check out the new Seidio Innocell External Battery Pack for iPhone 3G – the best designed  battery pack that I have come across to date and which will boost power by 50%.

Treonauts always have the most power

Posted by Andrew on April 21, 2009 at 07:32 AM

Treo Pro Accessories

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