Palm Pre Accessories Top 10 List
Current Most Popular Accessories for Palm Pre Includes Touchstone, Extended Battery, Skin, Charger, Holster & Screen Protector
I have been doing some research regarding the most popular Palm Pre Accessories that are available today and I have to admit that some of the findings are pretty interesting.
- The _overwhelmingly_ single most popular Palm Pre accessory is none other than the innovative Palm Touchstone – an item that over 50% of Preonauts choose to buy.
- The #1 category of Palm Pre accessories is related to “Power” (including not only the Touchstone but also a battery, car charger, wall charger, Sync & Charge cable, USB cable and spare battery charger) which combined account for between 60–70% of the Top 30 products purchased.
- The #2 category is perhaps not surprisingly “Care” with holsters, cases, cleaning cloth and screen protectors.
- The #3 category is “Car Kits” with the iGrip Phone Holder and iGrip Universal Fit Vent Mount.
- Lastly, the most popular Bluetooth headset is currently the Plantronics Voyager PRO but I would very highly recommend the considerably cheaper Jabra BT530 that I absolutely love.
Top 10 Palm Pre Accessories
1. Palm Touchstone Charging Kit (Dock+Back Cover) for Pre
The Palm Pre is certainly not without its faults but the Touchstone is an absolutely unique accessory that currently only Preonauts can enjoy. The overwhelming popularity of the Touchstone is a testament to the ingenuity and renewed market savvy of Palm engineers and designers – a very cool little gadget.
2. Seidio Innocell 1350mAh Extended Battery for Palm Pre
The matter of relatively poor Palm Pre battery life is probably the one that most concerns Preonauts. Seidio’s 1350mAh may only deliver a little over 10% more power than the standard Palm Pre battery but this certainly hasn’t stopped Preonauts from rushing to buy one – it appears that every little ounce of juice counts a lot…
3. Palm Touchstone Charging Dock (Dock Only) for Pre
For those completely infatuated with the Touchstone it’s clear that having “only” one is simply not enought. A great number of Preonauts are choosing to buy a second Touchstone dock to, for example, keep at the office.
4. BodyGuardz Protective Skin for Palm Pre
This ultrathin yet ultrastrong protective “invisible body skin” is made from the same material used to protect military helicopter blades and ensure that you can keep your Pre fully protected from accidental scratches that may occur during daily use. As an aside I happen to really like the tecture of the film – particularly when you use your fingers on the touchscreen.
5. Palm Vehicle Power Charger for Palm Pre
A lot of people appear to favour this original Palm car charger but to be honest I personally found the Motorola microUSB Car Charger to be considerably better – not only because it’s cheaper but also because I love the overall design of the product.
6. Seidio High Output Folding Travel Charger
As I recently found out, not all microUSB wall chargers work with the Pre and at present the cheapest option is this Seidio wall charger but another better one should be available from Smartphone Experts soon.
7. Smartphone Experts Screen Protectors
These screen protectors are not the best that I’ve ever come across but they do get the job done – something that seems to be more than enough for most people.
8. Seidio Holster for Palm Pre
This is the first holster available for the Palm Pre and it’s surprisingly good – one of the most ideal solutions to quickly answer calls by your side. Having said this, just this past week Seidio released another Palm Pre holster which now also offers audio port access.
9. Smartphone Experts Micro USB Retractable Sync & Charge Cable
Perhaps one of the most basic accessories in any smartphone arsenal, this retractable sync & charge cable is small and light – measuring only 4.5 inches when closed but a full 2 feet when open. Always highly recommended.
10. Palm Micro USB Travel Cable
This travel cable from Palm is designed to be lighter and shorter (76cm) than the standard microUSB cable – ideal when you want to pack less when on the go.
Over the coming weeks I will also be taking a closer look at these bestselling accessories and review each individually.
Preonauts are always fully kitted…
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How can number 9 be a hot sync cord for the Pre when the Pre does not allow for hot sync?
I'll get a pre (gladly) when the pre gets my carrier. No one
(well, almost) is going to go around changing carriers because
of their business plan (rational as it may be). I wrote them
off from day one.
Titus sends
I switched from Verizon Wireless and a Tre 650 to Sprint for the Palm Pre.
Yes, what happened to this blog? I used to read it all the time. Now, I check back only once in a blue moon and it is hardly updated. Are you still there Andrew?
I really like my Pre, but the evolution of Apps, accessories, and SOFTWARE fixes for inane problems is frustratingly slooooooooow.
I would like to know from Palm which of the monumentally stupid software mistakes are in the process of being fixed. If it takes them some time, that's fine, but I want to know what they're working on. There's no reason to keep secrets anymore - the whole world and Apple know of the shortcomings.
Customer feedback is ESSENTIAL to keeping customers from having "buyer's remorse" which turns other people off of buying the product. This, in turn, further reduces the interest in expanding Apps and accessories. It's a self-fulfilling prophesy.
But if I think that they're not even working on it, I'm going to make plans for another phone, cell company, and carrier for when my contract expires. Or, I may just eat the cancellation fee and switch soon.
Please don't make me buy an iMAPOMPOUSSNOB phone!
Terry -
We miss you! Are you posting at another site? On vacation? So enthralled with your Pre you don't have time to blog? Let us know what's going on!
As a very long-time and loyal Palm user, I have resisted all temptation to buy an iPhone waiting for the Pre. But I am surprised and disappointed to learn that there is no direct hot sync function with the desktop for contacts and calendar. Is this correct? Why would they not have this feature to keep long-time users?
Palm finally releases a new device with a new OS after how many years... and this blog is dead quiet. What gives?
Quit bitching about Hot Sync. It's obsolete and unnecessary. I updated all my contacts in under 5 minutes and didn't have to configure any god damned virtual serial ports or fully charge my phone. Hot Sync for my Treo 650 was nothing but a royal pain in the ass.
There are many other things with the Pre to complain about. You ninnies are wasting valuable oxygen complaining about Hot Sync.
The Pre is horrible . The keyboard is too small and I feel like I'm typing in a flimsy bowel.. Looks like I'm getting a Blackberry or iPhone. Later Palm
Perhaps Andrew is ill. Let's give him a break until we learn the facts.
For R. do you update you contacts and calendar in under 5 minutes? I have 1500 contacts and 11 years of contact information in my 700p? I want to have this information on my desktop for quick access during work as well as on the Pre. Thanks.
I find this blog just in time for it to die. Excellent. Well, I'll just chime in with my 0.02.
I was a little reticent to go to the cloud with the Pre, but there is a wifi sync app, and I really really really like not having to plug a wire into my phone to sync it. I didn't think I would, but now I LOVE it. Wish that there was an app for syncing media over wifi. If the pre gets that, then it's OVER.
R.I.P. treonauts
Goodbye forever to Palm
Last one out turn off the lights...
"I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I've watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in the rain. Time to die."
Does anyone affiliated or close with Andrew/Treonauts have anything to say? Is Andrew ill or worse (let's hope not)? Did he become a father to octuplets and is now, rather busy? Did Palm put a gag order on Andrew? Did he get sent upstate to serve 20 to life?
In other words, we hope that Andrew is alright, but without anyword from Andrew/Treonauts/associates we will never know, and thus remove this site from my favorites.
Unfortunately my patience has just about run out. I have held on to my 650 because although subsequent models offered a few small updates, that's all they were - small updates unworthy of the cost of a new unit. I thought the Pre would be my savior, however despite some cool features I still felt underwhelmed. Maybe I was spoiled by the feeling I got when I bought the 650 and I thought that it was a game-changer when first released, but I don't get that feeling with the Pre. It didn't even have to be a game changer, but after waiting for the new palm smartphone evolution with so many delays, I just can't go for the smartphone status quo for most of what the Pre offers.
I can't keep saying to myself, "next model I will upgrade, next model for sure I will upgrade..." The game changer seems to have been the iPhone I hate to admit, and now that they have addressed my biggest gripes with the 3G model (cut-and-paste, landscape typing for larger keys on a virtual keyboard, a few others), I think I am ready to make a change this holiday season.
Andrew: hope you're alright
Palm: I'm outta here by the end of the year if I don't see some improvements, but we know this is not happening because 1) the unit is only a few months old and, 2) you guys respond at the speed of human evolution.
Thanks for everything Treonauts, it's been fun.
I heard Andrew got an iPhone 3GS and he's having so much fun, he doesn't have time to post advertisements... i mean accessory reviews for the Palm pre.
A glimmer of hope! - I took the jump, put my faith in the cloud and moved to a Pre. Syncing to my desktop was great, but now all my palm desktop contacts are in Gmail and I can access it from not only from my phone but from any web connected device worldwide. I admit it's taken some time to get over the whole "walk in the door, attach the USB, press the hotsync button..." but now I walk in the door, throw my pre on the touchstone and leave it there until morning. Sitting at my desk while signed into Google isn't bad, I've created numerous calendars (family birthday calendar is the best one yet) and subscribed to all the NHL teams I follow. CONGRATS PALM - YOU'VE DONE IT AGAIN!
In case Andrew did not hear this, the Palm Pre will be avilable in Germany at 13th october 2009 to a very nice price of 481 EUR without any data or voice-plan. Now heavon is coming!
The list is perfect for any palm users.It is really necessary to have accessories for the palm.The USB cable sync is nice one to have to connect with multiple devices supporting USB port.
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