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Treo Opinion

Below is a list of Treonauts Treo Opinion reviews or news filed in chronological order. Simply click the title of the excerpt to view the full post.

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Palm Down, Centro Way Up, Treo On The Mend

This week Palm reported the results of its second quarter with an encouraging 11 percent increase in smartphone sales to 686,000 units but a disappointing (albeit not surprising) loss of $9.6 million on revenues of $349.6 million compared to a...

December 21, 2007 | Comments (8) |


Setting The Treo Record Straight

The announcement of the Treo 500 in Europe last week as well as the launch of the Treo 750 running WM6 in Canada yesterday have made me stop to think about all the criticism that has been aimed at Palm...

September 20, 2007 | Comments (51) |


Palm - Where is the Love Gone?

It’s no secret that a company can claim the love of its customers and succeed in the market once it is able to meet the needs of these customers – a tenet which may help explain Palm’s fall from grace...

August 24, 2007 | Comments (39) |


Palm Reports Quarterly Record High 738,000 Treo Unit Sales & Revenues

Exceeding analyst expectations and to my delight, Palm this past Thursday reported record revenue of $410.5 million in the third quarter of fiscal year 2007 ended March 2 while Treo smartphone sell-through for the period reached a company record high...

March 26, 2007 | Comments (19) |


Palm & Treo: Everyone Wants A Slice

I never cease to be amazed by how much rubbish, nonsense (sometimes blatantly deceptive and manipulative or simply ignorant) articles/posts/reports about Palm and our Treo some quarters are able to produce on such a seemingly regular basis. The latest round...

March 6, 2007 | Comments (26) |


Treonauts 2006 Events, Software & Accessories Roundup

Happy New Year Treonauts!!! I hope that you had a terrific long weekend and are looking forward to a fantastic Treo-full year ahead. Standing at the threshold of our coming journey into 2007 we’re leaving a rather eventful 2006 behind...

January 2, 2007 | Comments (3) |


Palm & PalmOS Reunited At Last

Late last week Palm announced the rather amazing news that it had “signed an agreement with ACCESS Systems Americas, Inc. (formerly PalmSource, Inc.) to license the source code for PalmOS Garnet, the version of the PalmOS used in several Treo...

December 12, 2006 | Comments (11) |


An Issue Of Design

There is one issue that I have become increasingly frustrated about. Namely the lack of really good graphic design that results in the often dreary and ‘old’ look and feel of most applications available for our Treo – particularly when...

July 20, 2006 | Comments (17) |


Sales Double: Over 3 Million Treonauts Worldwide!

Last week Palm released its latest quarterly results which highlighted that sales of Treo smartphones have grown by over 100% from the same quarter a year ago to a record 569,000 Treo 650 and Treo 700w units… Additionally, Palm reported...

March 27, 2006 | Comments (10) |


Views, Rumours & Releases From 3GSM

As I mentioned previously, I’ve spent the last few days in Barcelona for the 3GSM World Congress to get a glimpse at what the mobile industry is up to. Overall there was surprisingly very little new, ‘cool’ or really innovative...

February 16, 2006 | Comments (11) |



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