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Treo Opinion

Below is a list of Treonauts Treo Opinion reviews or news filed in chronological order. Simply click the title of the excerpt to view the full post.

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Treo Business Freedom

Following my post last week about the Denver Post article "The Cost of Being Wired", Andrew Davis sent me a very interesting response below in which he shares some of his own corporate-centric views and experiences on the matter. The...

March 31, 2005 | Comments (0) |


The Rise of the Treo Smartphone

One of the most interesting things about attending the 3GSM World Congress in Cannes a few weeks ago was coming to the realisation of how utterly bored I was with the ton of 'normal' mobile phones that were on display...

March 3, 2005 | Comments (2) |


The Future Treo Display(s)

Back in August last year I wrote a post describing what I imagined might become the mobile industry's next 'Big Thing' and by extension the future of our beloved Treo. My idea, still sketchy at the time, was that any...

February 12, 2005 | Comments (3) |


palmOne's Lack of Transparency

Some things are a joke but they're not funny. Almost a week has gone by since palmOne raised the price of its unlocked Treo 650 GSM claiming an 'error' and there's still not a single official statement. It's difficult to...

February 10, 2005 | Comments (7) |


palmOne's Eroded Brand Values

It is with a heavy heart that I write this post today for there is nothing joyous in reporting Treonauts' overwhelming frustration and disappointment with palmOne's attitude towards them. Following Friday's short survey, so far a massive 700 total votes...

February 6, 2005 | Comments (21) |


An Open Letter to palmOne

Dear palmOne - Lately a number of us have become increasingly more frustrated with your marketing and communications efforts dealing with the Treo 650 release. I appreciate there are complexities working within carrier restraints based on contractual obligations, but I...

February 4, 2005 | Comments (13) |


20+ Years After the First Call

It's astonishing to stop and think about how much has changed over the past 20 years and how both the technology and our lifestyles have evolved around the mobile phone since it was first launched commercially in the mid-eighties. As...

January 5, 2005 | Comments (0) |


Treonauts' Year Ahead

Hello Treonauts and a (belated) Very Happy New Year 2005!!! As many of you will have noticed, over the past two weeks my reporting has been spread thin as I travelled for work and holidays in France and Switzerland visiting...

January 4, 2005 | Comments (3) |


Treonauts Lifestyle

There are few occasions where my Treo can shine more than when I travel and my current trip to Paris provides a perfect example. For starters, I use my Treo to call the cab company to schedule a pick-up to...

December 20, 2004 | Comments (4) |


The good within Hard reset

You might already be thinking this is crazy. How can you find good within Hard Reset - the very action that clears my Palm device to the out of box state. I am here to tell you, it's quite possible...

December 17, 2004 | Comments (7) |



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