Treo Software | Utilities
Below is a list of Treonauts Treo Software | Utilities reviews or news filed in chronological order. Simply click the title of the excerpt to view the full post.
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Hard Reset, Data Protection & Privacy Tips Upgrading To The New Treo 680 From a Treo 650
Like me, a great many Treonauts will shortly upgrade their trusted and beloved Treo 650 (it really has served me extremely well) to the new Treo 680. Some people will choose to give their ‘old’ Treo 650 away to a...
November 7, 2006 | Comments (13) |
What Do You Do With Your Calls? Plenty When You Use YourCall.
Like me using your Treo every day you will always find some small things where you scratch your head wondering “There must be an easier or better way to do this…” One such instance is when one of my existing...
October 3, 2006 | Comments (8) |
Invisible Treo Utility: Brilliantly Simple & Useful
I love my Sprint Treo 700p but there has always been one small detail that has bugged me on this and other Treo smartphones that come pre-installed with applications (such as ‘Get BC’ and ‘Get Good’ below left) that I...
September 14, 2006 | Comments (10) |
Phone Technician: You Always Need One...
There will always be some small but irritating things that your Treo can’t or won’t do well or at all – this is when ‘enhancing’ applications such as Phone Technician come to the rescue and empower you to do more...
September 7, 2006 | Comments (9) |
Migrating Your Treo Data Quickly To A New PC
Last week I purchased a new laptop and as many Treonauts will already have experienced themselves I had to go through the looooong process of migrating my files and reinstalling pretty much all of my applications including those synching with...
April 25, 2006 | Comments (12) |
A Faster Treo With Shortcuts
I am always trying to increase the overall speed with which I access applications on my Treo and I use a few simple tricks and specific third-party programs to help me do this – particularly ones that allow me to...
March 16, 2006 | Comments (11) |
Cleaning 'Problems' On My Treo...
I can’t remember the last time I had a problem of any sort with my Treo but yesterday proved an exception as I tried to use TCPMP to play a movie but it kept crashing within 5 seconds of playback...
February 21, 2006 | Comments (15) |
PhotoDial for your Treo 650
One of the neat functionalities found within the Treo 700w ‘Today’ screen that I reviewed a few weeks ago is the option to create Photo Speed Dials. Now, thanks to a new application called Photodial you can also benefit from...
January 18, 2006 | Comments (5) |
TAKEphONE Review
Finding A Better "Contacts" Solution with TAKEphONE For ages Treonauts have complained about specific aspects of the Treo or Centro “Contacts” program functionality such as the inability to list by “First Name, Last Name” or to search by “Company Name”...
December 12, 2005 | Comments (11) |
AlwaysOn with your Treo
In order to save battery life our Treo switches off automatically after either 30 seconds and up to 3 minutes (below left). In principle this is great but in a few situations such as when you’re using either a Wireless...
November 17, 2005 | Comments (6) |
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