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Build your Mini Mobile VoIP Gateway and $ave

Following my post about iSkoot yesterday, a number of Treonauts emailed me wondering if it was really worth the effort and cost to setup. My answer is a categorical ‘Yes, yes, yes’ as you could save yourself quite a bit...

August 5, 2005 | Comments (5) |


iSkoot, I Skype, I almost VoIP with my Treo 650

I expect that sooner or later we will see a full VoIP solution for our Treo but in the meantime I am delighted to say that I found an application called iSkoot from a Cambridge, MA, based startup that is...

August 4, 2005 | Comments (16) |


Skype Mobile? Yes but not for our Treo...

Back in September I had written a post about how Skype would soon be available for our Treo following comments made to ABC News by the company founder and CEO Niklas Zennstrom at DEMOMobile. However, after inquiring directly with the...

April 25, 2005 | Comments (10) |


Skype on our Treo: Coming in October!

I have to admit that for the past few weeks I have been extremely jealous of friends and colleagues who own a Pocket PC device because they have been able to play around with Skype for PocketPC. However, at last...

September 14, 2004 | Comments (4) |



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