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Treo Software Guide

Below is a list of Treonauts Treo Software Guide reviews or news filed in chronological order. Simply click the title of the excerpt to view the full post.

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Top 10 Treo and Centro Games - March Special

While there is no doubt that the primary function of my smartphone is for communication and productivity the fact is nonetheless that the Treo and Centro are also terrific game platforms for those idle moments when you just want to...

March 3, 2008 | Comments (0) |


Treo and Centro Software February Specials

Our Treo and Centro Software Bestseller list for February sees Ringo Pro climbing one spot to #2 while Butler and VolumeCare Pro for their part remain in the Top 3. CorePlayer jumps up two positions to #5 along with Phone...

February 4, 2008 | Comments (0) |


Treo and Centro Software - Top 100 Gold List

With over 50,000 Treo and Centro software titles available for your smartphone finding the best ones can be a complicated matter and so I thought that it might be a good idea to compile an updated “Gold” list of my...

January 8, 2008 | Comments (5) |


Treo and Centro Software January Specials

Our Treo Software Bestseller list for January sees the top three places from last month unchanged with Butler, VolumeCare Pro and Ringo Pro retaining their lead. Further down Power Hero makes the strongest advance rising five places while the latest...

January 4, 2008 | Comments (0) |


Treo and Centro Software December Specials

Our Treo Software Bestseller list for December sees Butler becoming #1 thus knocking VolumeCare, Ringo Pro and last month’s new entry UltimatePhone (an enhanced version of the popular DialByPhoto) down one place respectively. The popular Reset Doctor now also makes...

December 4, 2007 | Comments (0) |


Treo and Centro Software November Specials

Our Treo Software Bestseller list for November sees VolumeCare and Ringo Pro maintaining their lead at the top of the chart but a new entry with UltimatePhone (an enhanced version of the popular DialByPhoto) coming strongly at #3 and the...

November 1, 2007 | Comments (0) |


Treo Software Specials

This month’s Treo Software Bestseller list sees the top 3 previous leaders comfortably retaining their position while Power Hero makes a strong entry at #4 and the new Mundu IM comes in at #10. Additionally, DialByPhoto rises four points to...

September 19, 2007 | Comments (0) |


Treo Software Special Offer

This month’s Treo Software Bestseller list has changed quite significantly with a strong focus on ringtones as the recently updated Ringo Pro rises two points to #2 and the new RingCare entering at #9. Additionally, the latest Kinoma Player also...

August 2, 2007 | Comments (0) |


Treo Software July Special Offer

To celebrate July 4th I’m glad to bring you many new and updated Palm software titles from our Treo Software store with the recently updated CorePlayer further climbing to #5 in our bestseller list and Launcher X making a new...

July 4, 2007 | Comments (1) |


Treo Software Special Offer

This month brings many new and updated Palm software titles to our Treo Software store with CorePlayer rising to #6 in our bestseller list and TreoWeather jumping in at #7. As we’ve done in the past, to help you make...

June 8, 2007 | Comments (3) |



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