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Wireless Carriers

Below is a list of Treonauts Wireless Carriers reviews or news filed in chronological order. Simply click the title of the excerpt to view the full post.

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Earthlink Wireless Treo 650 Coming Soon

There's a piece of news that came out somewhat 'under the radar' a couple of days ago and which took me completely by surprise. Namely, Earthlink Wireless, an MVNO (Mobile Virtual Network Operator) powered by the Sprint and Verizon networks,...

April 29, 2005 | Comments (6) |


No sight of Verizon Treo 650 yet...

I know that literally thousands of existing and will-be Treonauts are anxiously waiting for news of Verizon's Treo 650 release - or better yet an actual launch! However, while rumours indicated that we 'could' be seeing this launch yesterday, the...

April 21, 2005 | Comments (10) |


One Week to Go for Verizon Treo 650?

While we just 'know' that the Verizon Treo 650 is due 'sometime' between mid to end of April, the latest rumour flying around actually provides us with a specific date of April 20th - a short 7 days away this...

April 13, 2005 | Comments (20) |


Is the T-Mobile Treo 650 next?

The most awaited Treo 650 of the moment is undoubtedly Verizon's and we had therefore not anticipated to hear news of a possible T-Mobile one for some time to come. However, earlier today a corporate T-Mobile user reported having purportedly...

April 12, 2005 | Comments (19) |


Now Official: Verizon Treo 650 Available Soon!!!

Finally, there's official news from Verizon Wireless that the Treo 650 will soon become available on their network via a dedicated webpage (image below) with a link from the company's website. Verizon's dedicated page for its forthcoming version of the...

April 4, 2005 | Comments (69) |


Treo 650 Finally Hits Canada

Our Treo 650 continues its international rollout with the addition of Rogers Wireless' Canadian release today. According to palmOne's press release, "the Treo 650 will be the first all-in-one, quad-band smartphone to utilize the carrier's EDGE network". Additionally, "the Treo...

March 14, 2005 | Comments (2) |


Quick Verizon Treo 650 Updates

While there's still no official word as to when (or if) Verizon will release their own Treo 650 some sources claim that an early April release is likely. At any rate, Verizon will hold a press conference on the 14th...

March 3, 2005 | Comments (4) |


Cingular Treo 650 Goes AWOL

It appears that demand for Cingular's Treo 650 GSM has been so high that the company took the step to remove it from its website (?!). Cingular has communicated that the removal is temporary and that not having the phone...

February 25, 2005 | Comments (9) |


Treo 650 Launches with First European Carriers

Following the release of the unlocked Treo 650 GSM yesterday, palmOne has just announced that Orange will be launching the Treo 650 at the beginning of March in the UK, France and Switzerland and that TIM (Telecom Italia Mobile) will...

February 25, 2005 | Comments (3) |


Sprint Treo 650 and Treo 600 $100 Free Software Offer (Update: Now Cancelled!?!?)

Sprint is offering all active customers with either a Treo 650 or Treo 600 a free $100 online gift certificate that can be redeemed at their Handango powered software store. This is an absolutely terrific offer and one that has...

February 25, 2005 | Comments (5) |



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